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Their projects which include:

  • 1) Feeding, clothing, schooling, housing, loving and helping children and orphans who've experienced great loss from tragedies and circumstances in their lives.

  • 2) Reaching into remote villages and inner city locations of distress to supply children with life saving, nutritional food, where poverty has stricken them beyond their (or parental) control.

  • 3) Providing education to children, youth and adults concerning important life issues and choices, betterment education and the truth about various subjects pertaining to family life.

  • 4) Facilitates the distribution of emergency food boxes called the "angel food" program, where approximately 100,000 boxes were distributed to people in 2006, resulting in approximately $3 million in food savings to those families.

Mission Statement

CFN has various programs established to help fulfill our mission of making a difference for poor and needy children around the world. Help us provide bi-annual shipments of nutritional support, medical supplies and personal hygiene items to the hardest hit children in the Northern Guatemala area. Recent emergency program includes earthquake support. Program is ongoing and supports up to 28,000 children. Any donation goes a long way!" *
*From the Childrens Feeding Network, Inc. website

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