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Offers a food pantry. Serves clients can receive service once a month.
Customers must have an income that meets the guidelines of The Emergency Food Assistance Program TEFAP) which is approximately 200% Federal Poverty Guidelines.

Area serves:

Serves the people of Cuyahoga County.

Documents required:

Should provide photo I.D. proof of address/residence: Current, stamped utility bill, statement from Ohio Works First OWF) or other official document (e.g., one received from Social Security).

Proof of income: Public assistance benefit letter, social security benefit letter, Medicaid card or payslip.

Proof of Family Size: Medicaid / Medical Cards, School Enrollment Forms for each member of the family), Birth certificates.

Pantry Hours of Operation:

1st and 3rd Saturday of the month: 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

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