Cory United Methodist Church - Hunger Network Site


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Food PantryServe:
Parts of the 44106 and 44108 zip codes within the city of Cleveland and the entire city of Bratenahl (zip codes 44108 and 44110).
The exact boundaries may be determined by calling 211/the first call for help.
In general, income should be 200% of the federal poverty line or less.
Households that do not meet the income criteria but have extenuating circumstances, such as lack of income, can receive services on a case-by-case basis.
Documentation Required:
Proof of address/residence Current, stamped utility bill Statement from Ohio Works First OWF or another official document (e.g., one received from Social Security)Proof of income:
Public assistance benefit letterSocial security benefit letter Medicaid card or check stubProof of family size:
Birth certificatesMedical or Medicaid cardsSchool enrollment forms for each family member Photo I.D. For the customer AND his representative, if he is disabled.)
However, individuals can be served.
Pantry opening hours :
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday
Usually closed on Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Eve/Day, New Year's Eve/Day, and all major holidays.
Please call for further information.

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