Wsem Food Center at Near West - St Patrick's Club Building


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Offers a food pantry.
Area served:
Part of zip code 44113 in Cleveland.
The exact boundaries can be determined by calling 211/First Call For Help.
Generally, the income should be 200% of the Federal Poverty Limit or less.
Households that do not meet the income guidelines, but have mitigating circumstances such as loss of income or other financial difficulties, may be notified on a case-by-case basis.
Documents Required:
Proof of address/residence: Current, stamped utility bill, statement from Ohio Works First OWF) or other official document (e.g., one received from Social Security).
Proof of income: A letter about state aid benefits, a letter about Social Security benefits, a Medicaid card or a salary stub.
Proof of family size: birth certificates, Medicaid/medical cards, or registration forms for each household member).
I.D. for the client and his representative if he is disabled).
However, an individual can be served once without documentation.
People who have recently been released. 
Pantry Hours of Operation:
Wednesday, Friday 10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Hot meals Hours of Serving:
Tuesday - Thursday 4:30 pm
In general, closed on Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, New Year's Eve and all major holidays.
2011 Closings: January 17, February 21, April 22, May 30, July 4, September 5th, December 26th

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