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Capital Area United Way organization has been making a difference in the Baton Rouge community since 1925.
Over the years, there have been changes to better serve and more efficiently meet the needs of the capital area citizens.
Capital Area United Way (CAUW) originated in 1925 as the Baton Rouge Federation of Community Work.
Its first fund drive was called the "Community Chest Campaign."
The modern United Way shifted the emphasis of ownership from agencies to contributors. CAUW prides itself on being a volunteer-run organization.
Although a small full-time staff is employed, most organizational functions are accomplished by thousands of United Way volunteers.
Because of this volunteer involvement, administrative and fundraising costs are kept impressively low.
Eight-eight cents of every dollar received by CAUW goes to help people in need.
The volunteers make up the divisions of CAUW that include the Campaign Cabinet, Community Partnership Division and Marketing and Communications Division.
The volunteer CAUW Board of Directors oversees all the divisions and determines the policies and procedures of the organization.
The Community Partnership Division is assigned with the task of effectively and efficiently allocating money to 57 health and human service agencies in the following categories: developing children and youth,
empowering communities and individuals,
promoting self-sufficiency,
providing health services,
and strengthening lives.

Mission Statement

To improve lives by leveraging partnerships in our communityto advance the common good through education, income stability, and healthy living." *
*From the Capital Area United Way website

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