Townsend Ecumenical Outreach


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Offers a food pantry.
The T.E.O. distributes food on a monthly basis to the residents of Townsend, who have completed a short application and provided evidence of their financial needs and official residence.

Applications are examined by the committee (name and address are withheld) and a membership card is issued upon acceptance.
Every year in January, entitlements must be reviewed by submitting an Evidence of Residency (current rent receipt, lease agreement, tax receipt, etc.).
Participation will be refused if income is omitted or documents are falsified.
Any member who is able to go to any of the stores must either come and pick their own food or ask a friend or relative to represent them.
Assistance is usually available in getting supplies to individual cars.
All participants or their representatives should bring their banana boxes for food and a folded paper bag to the government grocery store.
Membership cards must be presented on request. A letter is sent monthly to each family notifying them of the exact date and time.

Pantry Hours of Operation:

Food distribution is usually on the 3rd Saturday of each month: 9:30 am - 11:30 am

Nearby Free Food