Thrive DC


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Breakfast and emergency services are all welcome

Also available during the morning meal program:

  • Showers
  • Laundry
  • Mail
  • Telephone
  • Educational programs 
  • Therapeutic 
  • Enriching activities

Operating Hours:

Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m.
- 11:00 in the morning.

Daily bread/daily needs

Thrive DC serves over 81,000 meals a year as part of their Daily Bread/Daily Needs program.
This is in addition to the thousands of supplies and services we provide annually.
These numbers represent significant distress in their community, where more than 7,000 are homeless and 57,000 people are living in extreme poverty and struggling to meet their most basic needs.

They offer:

  • Daily breakfast for men, women, and families, as well as dinner for women and families

  • Free showers and laundry

  • Access to mail, phone, and computer
  • Personal care and security supplies
  • Clothing and lifebelts

  • Transportation assistance

  • Prescription assistance

  • Lunch to go

  • Emergency shopping bags

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